Monday, September 21, 2009

Week 3 and the Lessons We have Learned

1. Being militant with the twins’ schedule is key. If it means kicking out grandparents, missing the end of the game or pushing through it when you’re dead tired- you have to do it. Otherwise, you will kick yourself the next day when the babies are more delusional than the parents.

2. Tubby time IS the end of the world. Really.

3. Showers for the parents every other day is probably considered a plus at this point. Who cares if you’re in there at 5:00 AM for 45 minutes?

4. Your laundry no longer matters. In the 23 days my kids have been alive, I have done 15 loads of their laundry and 2 of ours.

5. I am pretty sure the Sound Machine that plays at bedtime helps put not only the twins to sleep, but soothes us over the monitor as well.

6. Just because E and I are photographers, doesn’t mean we have a ton of pictures of our kids. 2 of them and 2 of us. Unless we train Kori on the Nikon or learn to shoot with our toes, pictures are surprisingly hard to come by. Or, when I do attempt it Night and Day (aka Olivia and Ethan) have a plan of their own.

7. Caffeine. Keep it coming.

8. Ethan looks at me like my father when he’s angry.

9. Olivia is officially OFF the market!

10. Finally, E and I got out, for a whole afternoon! Best remedy for 2 new parents? Football, sun and beer.


  1. 1. Gotta stick to the schedule! Routine is key, especially with twins!
    2. Mommy, please put a washcloth on me while taking a bath - maybe that'll help. :shrug:
    3. I'm so glad you guys got to go out and enjoy yourselves! :)

  2. Awwww!!! Olivia has a great boyfriend! Love the bath pic. Hopefully they will learn to love baths.

  3. Hahah I love it all! And all of you!

  4. I second the schedule, and I only have one baby!

    great post, adorable kiddos!
