Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Questions Answered

1.) Do twins run in your family?

Eric’s favorite smart ass answer: “No, they typically walk.”
Our PC answer: “No, but they do now."
Twin factoid: The twins gene come from the mother’s side. After extensive research (not really), I could not find any on my side. What we have are "coincidental twins" which happen every 1 in 80 pregnancies. Yeah. Think about it.

2.) Do you get any sleep? Usually mixed with are they sleeping at night?

Our PC answer: “Yes, they typically sleep 10-12 hours a night except for when Ethan has other plans.”
Our smart ass answer: "Yes and if you jinx it, I will punch you in the face."

3.) What are you going to do about braces, college, etc?

Our smart ass answer (because...really?):“We’ll pick our favorite and that one will get ______."

4.) Are they identical?

Our PC answer: “No.”
Our smart ass answer: “No because one has a penis and the other has a vagina.”
Twin factoid: Boy/Girl twins are NEVER identical, see our smart ass answer.

5.) Do they sleep in the same crib?

Our PC answer: “They did until they were 8 weeks old.”
Twin factoid: Olivia is a kicker. We would often come into their room to find her in a shifted position with her legs kicking Ethan. Needless to say, the journey into their own cribs was a breeze.

6.) Why do you have a boy and a girl sharing a room?

Our PC answer: “They say twins bond better if they share a room.”
Our smart ass answer: “As much as we want to run between 2 rooms on a nightly basis, we decided one location was the way to go. Well, until they start messing with each other or we have a bigger house.”

7.) Do you (Colleen) still work?

Our PC answer: “Yes”
Our smart ass answer: “Ummm yeah. We have TWO babies and we need to pay for them.”

8.) What are your days like?

Our PC answer: “On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays (aka the days Colleen works in the office). **If the kids are still asleep.... Colleen wakes up at 4:45 AM, showers and gets ready, Eric wakes up and gets ready. Pack up the kids in the car by 6:30 AM when Eric drops them off at their babysitter’s. Colleen then picks them up after work and is home by 6:30 PM. Chillax with the babies until 7:15 when we start bedtime. The kids are usually asleep by 8:00 PM and we then wash and prepare 14 bottles for the next day. Then, if we’re smart, we go to bed. Most days we are not in the smart column. On Tuesdays and Thursdays (aka the days Colleen works from home), the kids wake up between 6:00 AM and 7:00 AM where the get changed and eat. Repeat for the rest of the day with a few tantrums and tummy time exercises mixed in.”

9.) What’s it like having two babies?

Our smart ass answer: “I don’t know. What is like having one baby?”
Our PC (yet slightly smart ass-ish) answer: “You know when you finally get your baby settled down for a nap and they fall asleep and you can then spend some time with your significant other, watch a TV show or go to the bathroom??? Yeah, that’s when our second baby wakes up. I’m not kidding.”
Twin factoid: Luckily though, our kids DO sleep at the same time during the evening. ::knocks on wood::

10.) Do you think you’ll have anymore kids?
Our PC answer: “No.”
Our smart ass answer: “Hell no.”*

Do YOU have any burning questions for us? Leave a comment and we will gladly answer!

* We love our children, but nothing about sleepless nights, bottle washing and diaper changes make us say, “Hey, let’s do THAT again.”

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