Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Update # 2 = Olivia

Ooooooooo-livia. When we moved into E’s parents’ house in the beginning of March, Olivia was a pudgy little girl that was barely sitting on her own and barely had any hair. I mean, look at this picture taken the week before E’s surgery.

Six months must have been the turn-around for Liv, because she started to develop her little personality. I firmly believe that Olivia has some sort of agenda in life. What it is, I haven’t figured out yet. It’s like she was born cynical. Where she got that from, is truly beyond me. ::insert sarcasm:: But for real, look at this face. You tell me she’s not up to something.

However, once she gets over her “Stranger Danger” phase with people, she really is filled with smiles and giggles.

Olivia is probably the funniest baby I know. I know you’re thinking I am a loon for calling a baby funny, but trust me. Her facial expressions are enough to turn anyone’s bad day around. The most recent funny story I have is from the other night. Ethan woke up in the middle of the night and took awhile to calm down. I heard some stirring coming from Olivia’s crib and thought to myself, “Oh crap.” (thinking she was going to wake up too). But no, I turn around and see her standing in the crib with a look on her face that said to me, “Do I need to be up for this? Are we eating? Shut up Buddy.”

Obviously, a “you-had-to be-there-moment”, but it truly describes Olivia’s mostly laid back personality. She has developed a face that she uses when she’s having a really good time. We lovingly call it, “The Bunny Face”… Enjoy…

So we moved out of E’s parents’ house when Olivia was still pudgy (and we love every ounce of it), but had since learned to crawl and grew more blond hair. Really? Blond hair?

Some quick stats for the most frequently asked Olivia questions.

• She started to crawl on May 18, 2010. Her dad tempted her with the remote and later with my cell phone. What is it about babies and electronics? And how do I get the smell of baby slobber out of my BlackBerry?

• 9 months old and still no teeth. I am starting to think she is going to need dentures. She has been gnawing on her hand since she was 4 months old and everyone says, “Teeth are coming,” Lies. ALL LIES.

• Yes, she seems to be the boss out of the two.

• She weighed 19 pounds 6 ounces at her check up last week. I have to say I am a bit shocked because I thought for sure she’d be over 20 pounds.

• Yes, she sleeps through the night. Does she go to bed when her brother does? Naw…. She has a habit of wanting to play for a bit longer after her bottle. It’s nice to have some one on one time with her though.

She's our little girl!  Some may call her a princess ;)   And she still hates the camera.

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