Tuesday, August 4, 2009


You know those parents that say, “I will never do _______________ with my kid.”? Well, I am not an official outside parent yet and I already caught myself eating those words.

Back in the day, when I assumed I had a singleton baby growing in me, I always had a feeling it was a girl. Call it mother’s intuition or whatever, but since the day the test turned positive, I was sure we were going to have a daughter.

There was one problem; I am adamantly against the color pink. Personally, I don’t have anything against pink; in fact, I find it to be a fun color. I am just not a pink person. I have tried it, not for me. When I thought about the possibility of having a daughter, all I could think of is the over-indulged, Pep to-influenced pink stuff I would get. It was a slight progression in knowing that my possible daughter would be wearing pink, because let’s face it; a majority of the clothes made for infant girls only come in pink. However, I did announce that she would not, under any circumstance, have a pink room.

Then, we found out we were having boy/girl twins. Total game changer. Now, I find myself migrating to the pink because I don’t want people to think I have two boys. Since the babies are sharing a room for now, there are some hints of pink, but still no overly cute, pretty princess, pink stuff.

Colleen – 0: Society - 1


  1. It's true - there's basically only pink things for girls. Pink and purple, pink and purple.

  2. And yellow...there are some yellow, but mostly pink and purple.

  3. Don't worry. I will be that friend who only buys your daughter non-pink things. Because I don;t like pink either. For now.

  4. HA! I knew you would come to the dark side...

  5. i love pink - but i get tired of putting G in pink.all.the.time. i go out of my way to find different stuff for her - she has purple, orange, blue, green and yellow stuff too :) but i am also very girly so usually, she is wearing a bow to go with it!!
