started like any other December 26th. Looking for places to spend our Christmas giftcards and enjoying a day off together.
The day ended with a positive pregnancy test, prenatal vitamins, and a copy of What to Expect When You're Expecting.
Happy one year of being in our lives Babies! (Although, I should say baby since we didn't know there were two until much later)
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Friday, December 25, 2009
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Questions Answered
1.) Do twins run in your family?
Eric’s favorite smart ass answer: “No, they typically walk.”
Our PC answer: “No, but they do now."
Twin factoid: The twins gene come from the mother’s side. After extensive research (not really), I could not find any on my side. What we have are "coincidental twins" which happen every 1 in 80 pregnancies. Yeah. Think about it.
2.) Do you get any sleep? Usually mixed with are they sleeping at night?
Our PC answer: “Yes, they typically sleep 10-12 hours a night except for when Ethan has other plans.”
Our smart ass answer: "Yes and if you jinx it, I will punch you in the face."
3.) What are you going to do about braces, college, etc?
Our smart ass answer (because...really?):“We’ll pick our favorite and that one will get ______."
4.) Are they identical?
Our PC answer: “No.”
Our smart ass answer: “No because one has a penis and the other has a vagina.”
Twin factoid: Boy/Girl twins are NEVER identical, see our smart ass answer.
5.) Do they sleep in the same crib?
Our PC answer: “They did until they were 8 weeks old.”
Twin factoid: Olivia is a kicker. We would often come into their room to find her in a shifted position with her legs kicking Ethan. Needless to say, the journey into their own cribs was a breeze.
6.) Why do you have a boy and a girl sharing a room?
Our PC answer: “They say twins bond better if they share a room.”
Our smart ass answer: “As much as we want to run between 2 rooms on a nightly basis, we decided one location was the way to go. Well, until they start messing with each other or we have a bigger house.”
7.) Do you (Colleen) still work?
Our PC answer: “Yes”
Our smart ass answer: “Ummm yeah. We have TWO babies and we need to pay for them.”
8.) What are your days like?
Our PC answer: “On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays (aka the days Colleen works in the office). **If the kids are still asleep.... Colleen wakes up at 4:45 AM, showers and gets ready, Eric wakes up and gets ready. Pack up the kids in the car by 6:30 AM when Eric drops them off at their babysitter’s. Colleen then picks them up after work and is home by 6:30 PM. Chillax with the babies until 7:15 when we start bedtime. The kids are usually asleep by 8:00 PM and we then wash and prepare 14 bottles for the next day. Then, if we’re smart, we go to bed. Most days we are not in the smart column. On Tuesdays and Thursdays (aka the days Colleen works from home), the kids wake up between 6:00 AM and 7:00 AM where the get changed and eat. Repeat for the rest of the day with a few tantrums and tummy time exercises mixed in.”
9.) What’s it like having two babies?
Our smart ass answer: “I don’t know. What is like having one baby?”
Our PC (yet slightly smart ass-ish) answer: “You know when you finally get your baby settled down for a nap and they fall asleep and you can then spend some time with your significant other, watch a TV show or go to the bathroom??? Yeah, that’s when our second baby wakes up. I’m not kidding.”
Twin factoid: Luckily though, our kids DO sleep at the same time during the evening. ::knocks on wood::
10.) Do you think you’ll have anymore kids?
Our PC answer: “No.”
Our smart ass answer: “Hell no.”*
Do YOU have any burning questions for us? Leave a comment and we will gladly answer!
* We love our children, but nothing about sleepless nights, bottle washing and diaper changes make us say, “Hey, let’s do THAT again.”
Eric’s favorite smart ass answer: “No, they typically walk.”
Our PC answer: “No, but they do now."
Twin factoid: The twins gene come from the mother’s side. After extensive research (not really), I could not find any on my side. What we have are "coincidental twins" which happen every 1 in 80 pregnancies. Yeah. Think about it.
2.) Do you get any sleep? Usually mixed with are they sleeping at night?
Our PC answer: “Yes, they typically sleep 10-12 hours a night except for when Ethan has other plans.”
Our smart ass answer: "Yes and if you jinx it, I will punch you in the face."
3.) What are you going to do about braces, college, etc?
Our smart ass answer (because...really?):“We’ll pick our favorite and that one will get ______."
4.) Are they identical?
Our PC answer: “No.”
Our smart ass answer: “No because one has a penis and the other has a vagina.”
Twin factoid: Boy/Girl twins are NEVER identical, see our smart ass answer.
5.) Do they sleep in the same crib?
Our PC answer: “They did until they were 8 weeks old.”
Twin factoid: Olivia is a kicker. We would often come into their room to find her in a shifted position with her legs kicking Ethan. Needless to say, the journey into their own cribs was a breeze.
6.) Why do you have a boy and a girl sharing a room?
Our PC answer: “They say twins bond better if they share a room.”
Our smart ass answer: “As much as we want to run between 2 rooms on a nightly basis, we decided one location was the way to go. Well, until they start messing with each other or we have a bigger house.”
7.) Do you (Colleen) still work?
Our PC answer: “Yes”
Our smart ass answer: “Ummm yeah. We have TWO babies and we need to pay for them.”
8.) What are your days like?
Our PC answer: “On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays (aka the days Colleen works in the office). **If the kids are still asleep.... Colleen wakes up at 4:45 AM, showers and gets ready, Eric wakes up and gets ready. Pack up the kids in the car by 6:30 AM when Eric drops them off at their babysitter’s. Colleen then picks them up after work and is home by 6:30 PM. Chillax with the babies until 7:15 when we start bedtime. The kids are usually asleep by 8:00 PM and we then wash and prepare 14 bottles for the next day. Then, if we’re smart, we go to bed. Most days we are not in the smart column. On Tuesdays and Thursdays (aka the days Colleen works from home), the kids wake up between 6:00 AM and 7:00 AM where the get changed and eat. Repeat for the rest of the day with a few tantrums and tummy time exercises mixed in.”
9.) What’s it like having two babies?
Our smart ass answer: “I don’t know. What is like having one baby?”
Our PC (yet slightly smart ass-ish) answer: “You know when you finally get your baby settled down for a nap and they fall asleep and you can then spend some time with your significant other, watch a TV show or go to the bathroom??? Yeah, that’s when our second baby wakes up. I’m not kidding.”
Twin factoid: Luckily though, our kids DO sleep at the same time during the evening. ::knocks on wood::
10.) Do you think you’ll have anymore kids?
Our PC answer: “No.”
Our smart ass answer: “Hell no.”*
Do YOU have any burning questions for us? Leave a comment and we will gladly answer!
* We love our children, but nothing about sleepless nights, bottle washing and diaper changes make us say, “Hey, let’s do THAT again.”
Monday, December 14, 2009
Ambien for Babies?
Usually, we are pretty lucky with the sleeping thing. On a normal basis, Olivia and Ethan sleep soundly for 10-12 hours a night, waking up to eat between 6:00 AM and 7:00 AM to eat. However, every few days or so, Ethan decides to have a party on his own in his crib. Our night last night went as follows:
1:42 AM- Ethan woke up yearning for his binkie. I woke up, found Ethan smiling and replaced it and fell back asleep.
2:30 AM- Ethan decided he wanted to host his own talk show. E woke up, replaced the binkie and returned to bed.
3:00 AM- Again, I woke up to Ethan whining. Not crying, just whining. Replaced that damn bink and crawled back in bed.
3:30 AM- Ethan was whining again and E replaced the foul bink… Ethan was up moments again.
3:45 AM- This time, E and I were both up. Tried to ignore the incessant whining.
4:00 AM- Decided to just feed them so Ethan would sleep until it was time to go his grandma’s. Both kids were fed and put back to bed.
4:45 AM- I got out of the shower and Ethan was crying like someone was holding that damn pacifier for ransom. Replaced it and he slept peacefully until 6:45 AM when it was time.
My question, Dear Internets, is WHY? Is there a trick we’re missing? How the hell does Olivia sleep soundly and Ethan does not?
1:42 AM- Ethan woke up yearning for his binkie. I woke up, found Ethan smiling and replaced it and fell back asleep.
2:30 AM- Ethan decided he wanted to host his own talk show. E woke up, replaced the binkie and returned to bed.
3:00 AM- Again, I woke up to Ethan whining. Not crying, just whining. Replaced that damn bink and crawled back in bed.
3:30 AM- Ethan was whining again and E replaced the foul bink… Ethan was up moments again.
3:45 AM- This time, E and I were both up. Tried to ignore the incessant whining.
4:00 AM- Decided to just feed them so Ethan would sleep until it was time to go his grandma’s. Both kids were fed and put back to bed.
4:45 AM- I got out of the shower and Ethan was crying like someone was holding that damn pacifier for ransom. Replaced it and he slept peacefully until 6:45 AM when it was time.
My question, Dear Internets, is WHY? Is there a trick we’re missing? How the hell does Olivia sleep soundly and Ethan does not?
Monday, December 7, 2009
Oh yeah... 3 Months Old...
In the excitement of getting wonderful Christmas Card Pictures , I forgot to blog on their 3 month birthday. Enjoy my kids...

The kids also celebrated their very first Thanksgiving at their Great Aunt Margaret's house. On a side note, Olivia did have on a dress, but you know.... She had other plans. This is also our first family photo without me being on an operating table.

People have been asking if I think Olivia and Ethan are similar. What do you think?

We've been researching new entertainment endeavours.

And practicing our Ho, Ho, Ho's for Santa!

The kids also celebrated their very first Thanksgiving at their Great Aunt Margaret's house. On a side note, Olivia did have on a dress, but you know.... She had other plans. This is also our first family photo without me being on an operating table.
People have been asking if I think Olivia and Ethan are similar. What do you think?

We've been researching new entertainment endeavours.
And practicing our Ho, Ho, Ho's for Santa!
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
The Things We Love...Vol. I
Once people find out that we have twins, the most popular question is, “How much harder is it with twins?” Our most popular response?
We don’t know how easy it is with just one baby.
Parents of singletons please do not attack me for saying “easy”. We’re all on the same team here.
I know when I was an expectant parent; I probed other parents as to what baby items worked for them. As most people will you, everything is an experiment. What may work for my kids may make your kids kick and scream. Alas, here is a list of what has got us through the past 2 and half months. I should also mention, I am not listing these for any promotional deals. Just keepin’ it real.
1. Fisher Price Hoppy Days Bouncer (x 2)

These little gems are like crack for my little ones! Olivia and Ethan have been using these since we got home from the hospital. At the beginning, it was a place for them to snooze and we could move them to where we needed to be in the house. As of late, they have enjoyed the “friends” dangling in front of them and listening to the little music diddy that plays. Ethan has a touch of the colic, so being able to bounce him during those horrendous three hours has been a lifesaver! Olivia loves the massage feature.
2. Graco Twin Bassinet/Pack N Play

For anyone that has a multi-level house, this is definitely a must have! We keep ours on our bottom floor better known as our living area. It’s so nice to have an option to put them down when the phone rings or when the laundry needs to be switched over. Only downfall? It only comes in one pattern and it’s definitely not as cute as some of those single ones out there.
3. The Boppy (x2)

Some people scoffed when I registered for these, as I chose not to breastfeed. But thanks to avid blog follower, friend and fellow mom to twins, Jessica, I quickly learned how to feed both my kids at the same time.
4. Sassy Formula Dispenser (x 4)

Good friend and author of The Baby Luc and With a Little Luc, Tiff, got me these for my baby shower. Sweet Baby Jesus, we love these. We fill them up with the babies’ formula, so when we’re making bottles with one open at 4:00 AM, no measuring is required. Obviously, also works great with travel!
5. Itzbeen Baby Care Timer (x 2)

Recommended by a friend of the babies’ Uncle Greg, the Itzbeen has revolutionized our world. With a quick hit of a button, you can time the last diaper change, last feeding, sleep times or create your own button (we used ours for poop. Yes, I just said poop.) Sure, you can just write all these down, but sometimes a free hand is just not available. Our proudest Itzbeen moment was towards the beginning and we’d hear a cry in the middle of the night and automatically go into bottle mode. With the help of the Itzbeen, we were able to say, “It’s only been an hour” and learned that they were just fussing and we able to get some more sleep. Also, with the kids going to their babysitters’ houses, it’s good to keep up with them without asking our sitters to write everything down. Love you, Itzbeens!!!
6. Diaper Genie II Elite Disposal System. Enough said!
7. Boudreaux’s Butt Paste

If you can get past the name, stuff works like a charm. Once we see a bit of diaper rash rearing its ugly head, we apply the paste and it’s instant relief for the babies. Get the large tub!
8. Especially for Baby Disposable Diaper Bags

These little scented bags are great for when you are not close to your diaper disposal system. Like I said before, our living area is on the third floor of our house, whereas, the Diaper Genie is in the babies’ room on the third floor. This way, you can dispose of the diapers and wipes without the horrific smell that follows. This is also great for the diaper bag so you don’t offend your party hosts with a trash gem!
9. Baby Einstein Baby Neptune Ocean Adventure Gym

It has dangly things, lights and music. Three best things ever, according to infants!
10. Fisher Price Ocean Wonders Soothing Seas Aquarium (x 2)

Again with the lights and music thing. Ethan, especially, loves his “stories” as we call it. The remote is a wonderful feature!
11. Anti-Bacterial Moisturizing Handwash

Obviously, you will wash your hands… a lot! The moisturizer part is key though, everything else just makes your hands cracked and dry.
12. Mesh Laundry Bag

Two weeks ago, my 8 month old washing machine died. The culprit? A baby sock stuck in the pump.
We don’t know how easy it is with just one baby.
Parents of singletons please do not attack me for saying “easy”. We’re all on the same team here.
I know when I was an expectant parent; I probed other parents as to what baby items worked for them. As most people will you, everything is an experiment. What may work for my kids may make your kids kick and scream. Alas, here is a list of what has got us through the past 2 and half months. I should also mention, I am not listing these for any promotional deals. Just keepin’ it real.
1. Fisher Price Hoppy Days Bouncer (x 2)

These little gems are like crack for my little ones! Olivia and Ethan have been using these since we got home from the hospital. At the beginning, it was a place for them to snooze and we could move them to where we needed to be in the house. As of late, they have enjoyed the “friends” dangling in front of them and listening to the little music diddy that plays. Ethan has a touch of the colic, so being able to bounce him during those horrendous three hours has been a lifesaver! Olivia loves the massage feature.
2. Graco Twin Bassinet/Pack N Play

For anyone that has a multi-level house, this is definitely a must have! We keep ours on our bottom floor better known as our living area. It’s so nice to have an option to put them down when the phone rings or when the laundry needs to be switched over. Only downfall? It only comes in one pattern and it’s definitely not as cute as some of those single ones out there.
3. The Boppy (x2)

Some people scoffed when I registered for these, as I chose not to breastfeed. But thanks to avid blog follower, friend and fellow mom to twins, Jessica, I quickly learned how to feed both my kids at the same time.
4. Sassy Formula Dispenser (x 4)

Good friend and author of The Baby Luc and With a Little Luc, Tiff, got me these for my baby shower. Sweet Baby Jesus, we love these. We fill them up with the babies’ formula, so when we’re making bottles with one open at 4:00 AM, no measuring is required. Obviously, also works great with travel!
5. Itzbeen Baby Care Timer (x 2)

Recommended by a friend of the babies’ Uncle Greg, the Itzbeen has revolutionized our world. With a quick hit of a button, you can time the last diaper change, last feeding, sleep times or create your own button (we used ours for poop. Yes, I just said poop.) Sure, you can just write all these down, but sometimes a free hand is just not available. Our proudest Itzbeen moment was towards the beginning and we’d hear a cry in the middle of the night and automatically go into bottle mode. With the help of the Itzbeen, we were able to say, “It’s only been an hour” and learned that they were just fussing and we able to get some more sleep. Also, with the kids going to their babysitters’ houses, it’s good to keep up with them without asking our sitters to write everything down. Love you, Itzbeens!!!
6. Diaper Genie II Elite Disposal System. Enough said!
7. Boudreaux’s Butt Paste

If you can get past the name, stuff works like a charm. Once we see a bit of diaper rash rearing its ugly head, we apply the paste and it’s instant relief for the babies. Get the large tub!
8. Especially for Baby Disposable Diaper Bags

These little scented bags are great for when you are not close to your diaper disposal system. Like I said before, our living area is on the third floor of our house, whereas, the Diaper Genie is in the babies’ room on the third floor. This way, you can dispose of the diapers and wipes without the horrific smell that follows. This is also great for the diaper bag so you don’t offend your party hosts with a trash gem!
9. Baby Einstein Baby Neptune Ocean Adventure Gym

It has dangly things, lights and music. Three best things ever, according to infants!
10. Fisher Price Ocean Wonders Soothing Seas Aquarium (x 2)

Again with the lights and music thing. Ethan, especially, loves his “stories” as we call it. The remote is a wonderful feature!
11. Anti-Bacterial Moisturizing Handwash

Obviously, you will wash your hands… a lot! The moisturizer part is key though, everything else just makes your hands cracked and dry.
12. Mesh Laundry Bag

Two weeks ago, my 8 month old washing machine died. The culprit? A baby sock stuck in the pump.
Favorite Things,
The Baby Luc,
Friday, November 13, 2009
Two (and a half) Months
Hmmmm…. It would appear as though my blogging responsibilities have been lacking as of late. We’ve had a busy month here in the Reed household and we’re hoping to enjoy this little lull before the holidays pick up.

It is amazing how much parenthood can change from day to day. One day, we think we have figured out Olivia and Ethan. The next day, it could be the same for Ethan, but Olivia has decided to go in another direction or vice versa. Such is life with twins.

We have had quite a few milestones since the last bloggy update.
• We have mastered tubby time. It no longer sounds like we’re dipping the babies in battery acid when we start the bath. Bathing is much more lax for all parties involved. Ethan, for one, enjoys dipping his foot over his tub seat into the bubbles.
• We have smiley, happy babies. Their first smiles started around mid-October and every time they give us a grin, it still melts our hearts.
• I went back to work full-time at the end of October. Whereas it was nice to get back into the “real” world and take showers in the morning, it was definitely an adjustment phase for all of us. I am lucky enough to be able to work from home two days a week. The rest of the week, the kids go to their grandparents’ house and end the week at their friends’ Nathan and Emma’s place. Everything seems to be running smoothly so far!
• The babies’ enjoyed their first Halloween. Tootsie Rolls.

• Ethan has shown lactose who is boss and now rocks the soy formula. Olivia won’t be too far behind him.
• Not surprising to us, but Olivia is now the larger of the two….By a whole half pound and quarter of an inch! I told her to enjoy it, as that will not always be the case. Most people look at Olivia and say, ‘Wow, she’s so much bigger! She must weigh more than Ethan!” To use our pediatrician’s words, same recipe, different people. Thank goodness for fraternal twins!
• I have taken on the job of packing up their newborn-sized clothes and moving them onto size 0-3 months. A tad bittersweet.
It is amazing how much parenthood can change from day to day. One day, we think we have figured out Olivia and Ethan. The next day, it could be the same for Ethan, but Olivia has decided to go in another direction or vice versa. Such is life with twins.
We have had quite a few milestones since the last bloggy update.
• We have mastered tubby time. It no longer sounds like we’re dipping the babies in battery acid when we start the bath. Bathing is much more lax for all parties involved. Ethan, for one, enjoys dipping his foot over his tub seat into the bubbles.
• We have smiley, happy babies. Their first smiles started around mid-October and every time they give us a grin, it still melts our hearts.
• I went back to work full-time at the end of October. Whereas it was nice to get back into the “real” world and take showers in the morning, it was definitely an adjustment phase for all of us. I am lucky enough to be able to work from home two days a week. The rest of the week, the kids go to their grandparents’ house and end the week at their friends’ Nathan and Emma’s place. Everything seems to be running smoothly so far!
• The babies’ enjoyed their first Halloween. Tootsie Rolls.
• Ethan has shown lactose who is boss and now rocks the soy formula. Olivia won’t be too far behind him.
• Not surprising to us, but Olivia is now the larger of the two….By a whole half pound and quarter of an inch! I told her to enjoy it, as that will not always be the case. Most people look at Olivia and say, ‘Wow, she’s so much bigger! She must weigh more than Ethan!” To use our pediatrician’s words, same recipe, different people. Thank goodness for fraternal twins!
• I have taken on the job of packing up their newborn-sized clothes and moving them onto size 0-3 months. A tad bittersweet.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Where I Have Been
The twins' "Auntie" Leslie finally got hitched in Colorado! For weeks leading up to the wedding, I did have my hesitations about leaving 7 week old babies for 4 days. However, once I knew they were in good hands with E and my mother-in-law, I was ready to perform my bridesmaidly duties. Yes, I made up that word.
For those that don't know Leslie, she is one of "my girls" from way back. We grew up together in The O.F. and really made a connection while we were in Middle School. Since then, we have been in each other's lives through every up and down despite going to different colleges and now, living in different states. I was lucky enough to have her stand up for me in my own wedding two years ago and I was so happy to be there for her big day. I was going to post a bunch of embarrassing pictures of us throughout the last 17 years, but I cannot seem to find my old pictures. ::enter my next post, WHY CAN'T I GET ORGANIZED?::
Congratulations Leslie and Sam! Thank you so much for letting me be a part of your big day!

And no, I did not arrive in Colorado in a hot air balloon!
For those that don't know Leslie, she is one of "my girls" from way back. We grew up together in The O.F. and really made a connection while we were in Middle School. Since then, we have been in each other's lives through every up and down despite going to different colleges and now, living in different states. I was lucky enough to have her stand up for me in my own wedding two years ago and I was so happy to be there for her big day. I was going to post a bunch of embarrassing pictures of us throughout the last 17 years, but I cannot seem to find my old pictures. ::enter my next post, WHY CAN'T I GET ORGANIZED?::
Congratulations Leslie and Sam! Thank you so much for letting me be a part of your big day!

And no, I did not arrive in Colorado in a hot air balloon!
Monday, October 12, 2009
Story from the Tub
This one will be a quick one, as I should be working at the moment. However, this was too good not to share.
Time: Sunday October 11, 2009 @ 8:00-ish.
Place: The Reed bathroom
Who: Mom and Ethan
Since Ethan seems to think that getting into the bath is like dipping him in battery acid, it's always a fight to get him in the water. As I put my screaming child in the tub, I saw a fountain sprout and little Ethan peed into the air. After I said, "Ahhh.. Ethan!!", my sweet, innocent little boy turned his head towards me and smiled as if it was the best pee ever. He continued to smile in relief the rest of the bath.
Annnnnd scene!
Time: Sunday October 11, 2009 @ 8:00-ish.
Place: The Reed bathroom
Who: Mom and Ethan
Since Ethan seems to think that getting into the bath is like dipping him in battery acid, it's always a fight to get him in the water. As I put my screaming child in the tub, I saw a fountain sprout and little Ethan peed into the air. After I said, "Ahhh.. Ethan!!", my sweet, innocent little boy turned his head towards me and smiled as if it was the best pee ever. He continued to smile in relief the rest of the bath.
Annnnnd scene!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
What We've Been Up To
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Who Has 4 Thumbs...
and are ONE month old today?
These guys!

I know I have behind on blogging, but hellllloooooo... I have 2 babies. Two very wonderful babies. The past month has been a blur. A blur of feedings, diaper changes, tears, binkies...And that's just between E and I. People were not kidding when they said, "your whole world is about to change."
A change for the better I would say.
These guys!
I know I have behind on blogging, but hellllloooooo... I have 2 babies. Two very wonderful babies. The past month has been a blur. A blur of feedings, diaper changes, tears, binkies...And that's just between E and I. People were not kidding when they said, "your whole world is about to change."
A change for the better I would say.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Week 3 and the Lessons We have Learned
1. Being militant with the twins’ schedule is key. If it means kicking out grandparents, missing the end of the game or pushing through it when you’re dead tired- you have to do it. Otherwise, you will kick yourself the next day when the babies are more delusional than the parents.
2. Tubby time IS the end of the world. Really.

3. Showers for the parents every other day is probably considered a plus at this point. Who cares if you’re in there at 5:00 AM for 45 minutes?
4. Your laundry no longer matters. In the 23 days my kids have been alive, I have done 15 loads of their laundry and 2 of ours.

5. I am pretty sure the Sound Machine that plays at bedtime helps put not only the twins to sleep, but soothes us over the monitor as well.
6. Just because E and I are photographers, doesn’t mean we have a ton of pictures of our kids. 2 of them and 2 of us. Unless we train Kori on the Nikon or learn to shoot with our toes, pictures are surprisingly hard to come by. Or, when I do attempt it Night and Day (aka Olivia and Ethan) have a plan of their own.

7. Caffeine. Keep it coming.
8. Ethan looks at me like my father when he’s angry.

9. Olivia is officially OFF the market!

10. Finally, E and I got out, for a whole afternoon! Best remedy for 2 new parents? Football, sun and beer.
2. Tubby time IS the end of the world. Really.
3. Showers for the parents every other day is probably considered a plus at this point. Who cares if you’re in there at 5:00 AM for 45 minutes?
4. Your laundry no longer matters. In the 23 days my kids have been alive, I have done 15 loads of their laundry and 2 of ours.

5. I am pretty sure the Sound Machine that plays at bedtime helps put not only the twins to sleep, but soothes us over the monitor as well.
6. Just because E and I are photographers, doesn’t mean we have a ton of pictures of our kids. 2 of them and 2 of us. Unless we train Kori on the Nikon or learn to shoot with our toes, pictures are surprisingly hard to come by. Or, when I do attempt it Night and Day (aka Olivia and Ethan) have a plan of their own.
7. Caffeine. Keep it coming.
8. Ethan looks at me like my father when he’s angry.

9. Olivia is officially OFF the market!

10. Finally, E and I got out, for a whole afternoon! Best remedy for 2 new parents? Football, sun and beer.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Hello World
I keep trying to tell my kids to give me a minute so I can blog. To my surprise, they just do not care. ::sigh:: In fact, I started to work on this little entry about four, five, six, seven days ago.
I would like to give a very special thanks to Tiff, who was in charge of the updating the blog during the delivery for everyone. If we had planned it better, I would not have gone into labor at 5:15 in the morning on a SATURDAY, but, planning is now something I laugh at.
First off, three cheers for no longer being pregnant! Hip, hip, HOORAY! All the old wives tales of getting yourself into labor failed. What did work? California Pizza Kitchen, shopping for ‘spensive baby clothes and a bribe of s’mores from the aforementioned Tiff. Or, it could have been my 2:00 AM viewing of Romy and Michelle’s High School Reunion since I couldn’t sleep. Who knows. Babies wanted out and I didn’t fight it.
What seemed like about thirty seconds later, we were a family of four. I absolutely love this picture because you can see that E is smiling even though he has a mask on, Olivia is being her calm self, Ethan thinks the world is ending and I look happily doped up and am rocking a drunken pirate eye. Alas, we are the Reeds.

We've been home for thirteen days. In those thirteen days, we have learned the following:
* Everything is trial and error. Apparently, those user manuals for babies do not come out after the placenta.
* Boys need their little peeps tucked under when diaper changing. We have been through three brands of diapers for Ethan alone. Recently, we are back to brand # 1
* Never turn down free help; we certainly do not. The love and support we have received from family and friends have been amazing. Whether it's a warm meal or the chance for us to take a nap, we have taken everyone's offer.
* We love to watch their little personalities evolve. While pregnant, E and I would often sit and wonder what the babies would be like. Well, take all of our predictions and reverse them.
* We have proven that we make an excellent team. Since the day I gave birth, E and I have been there not only for our babies, but for each other. You really do need to work together and be each other's biggest cheerleader or else it will all crumble.
* Normalcy? Out the window.
Hope to be back blogging at a better pace, now that we are starting to establish routines. We will have many more photos, as we are getting a lot quicker these days.
I would like to give a very special thanks to Tiff, who was in charge of the updating the blog during the delivery for everyone. If we had planned it better, I would not have gone into labor at 5:15 in the morning on a SATURDAY, but, planning is now something I laugh at.
First off, three cheers for no longer being pregnant! Hip, hip, HOORAY! All the old wives tales of getting yourself into labor failed. What did work? California Pizza Kitchen, shopping for ‘spensive baby clothes and a bribe of s’mores from the aforementioned Tiff. Or, it could have been my 2:00 AM viewing of Romy and Michelle’s High School Reunion since I couldn’t sleep. Who knows. Babies wanted out and I didn’t fight it.
What seemed like about thirty seconds later, we were a family of four. I absolutely love this picture because you can see that E is smiling even though he has a mask on, Olivia is being her calm self, Ethan thinks the world is ending and I look happily doped up and am rocking a drunken pirate eye. Alas, we are the Reeds.
We've been home for thirteen days. In those thirteen days, we have learned the following:
* Everything is trial and error. Apparently, those user manuals for babies do not come out after the placenta.
* Boys need their little peeps tucked under when diaper changing. We have been through three brands of diapers for Ethan alone. Recently, we are back to brand # 1
* Never turn down free help; we certainly do not. The love and support we have received from family and friends have been amazing. Whether it's a warm meal or the chance for us to take a nap, we have taken everyone's offer.
* We love to watch their little personalities evolve. While pregnant, E and I would often sit and wonder what the babies would be like. Well, take all of our predictions and reverse them.
* We have proven that we make an excellent team. Since the day I gave birth, E and I have been there not only for our babies, but for each other. You really do need to work together and be each other's biggest cheerleader or else it will all crumble.
* Normalcy? Out the window.
Hope to be back blogging at a better pace, now that we are starting to establish routines. We will have many more photos, as we are getting a lot quicker these days.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
They're here!
I don't have any info yet, but Ethan and Olivia are here! I just got word on Blackberry Messenger. I will update as soon as I know more! Happy Birthday Babies!
**edited to add**
Olivia - 5lbs 7oz 18 inches long 9:26am
Ethan - 6lbs 18 inches long 9:27am
Ethan decided to wrestle the umbilical cord and get it loosely wrapped around his neck but is fine. Both are in the regular nursery and looking great! Mom is doing great and chatting on BBM already! Crackberry-head! I am awaiting some pictures and will post them as soon as I have them!
**edited to add**
Olivia - 5lbs 7oz 18 inches long 9:26am
Ethan - 6lbs 18 inches long 9:27am
Ethan decided to wrestle the umbilical cord and get it loosely wrapped around his neck but is fine. Both are in the regular nursery and looking great! Mom is doing great and chatting on BBM already! Crackberry-head! I am awaiting some pictures and will post them as soon as I have them!
Going live!
Hello bloggy blog world. Some of you may know me, some of you may not. I am Tiff, aka The Baby Luc's momma. I have been given the great privilege of keeping you all informed of Colleen's progression with the twinsies when the day comes.
Well. That day is FINALLY here!! I can't lie and say that my hands aren't shaking right now out of pure excitement. They are straight trying to detach themselves from my body.
I got THE text. The one I have been waiting for. Her water broke at 5:15am this morning. 5 days shy of eviction day. I would like to think that I was the one who made them decide to come out and play. You see, last night we went to dinner and I tried to lure them out with a chocolate covered s'more. OR it could have been the fact that we were browsing around in an extremely expensive baby clothing store? Maybe the Reed kids have expensive tastes? I don't know. We shall see! Stay tuned!
They might make it to Mason's party after all!!!
Well. That day is FINALLY here!! I can't lie and say that my hands aren't shaking right now out of pure excitement. They are straight trying to detach themselves from my body.
I got THE text. The one I have been waiting for. Her water broke at 5:15am this morning. 5 days shy of eviction day. I would like to think that I was the one who made them decide to come out and play. You see, last night we went to dinner and I tried to lure them out with a chocolate covered s'more. OR it could have been the fact that we were browsing around in an extremely expensive baby clothing store? Maybe the Reed kids have expensive tastes? I don't know. We shall see! Stay tuned!
They might make it to Mason's party after all!!!
Monday, August 24, 2009
Oh, that's right...
……I am a blogger again. Which means, I should not let thirteen days lapse between posts. Honestly, it was probably for the best that I did not because I would just sound like a negative Nancy and would have been cyber- flamed. Obviously, no outside babies yet. At this point, I realize that they will be here shortly, but I need to find things to do to keep my mind off going crazy at the moment. Enter, FAVORITE THINGS!
This post’s Favorite Things include the items I am looking forward to once the babies arrive. Yes, yes. I am aware of the whole cooing, loving and cuddling we will get to have with the babies, but I am talking about things that this mom has been missing.

1. Jeans. With zippers. When I put on my first pair of maternity jeans way back in February, I remember saying, “Why would anyone want to wear regular jeans again?” Comfy time is over, panels make an annoying sound, make me sweaty and I am ready to step back into the world of the normal.
2. My favorite t-shirt. I am far too rotund to wear any of my t-shirts and have been living in E’s for months now. Love the whole idea of “being closer to the man I love” and all, but I feel like a house. A good 2,500 square footer at that.
3. My new Browns jersey. I bought it at the end of last year’s season and my goal is fit into it by the end of this season. One can dream, right? Hopefully, Cribbs doesn’t leave us in the meantime.
4. Photography. I am itching to get back out there and get my little business on the move again.
5. Beer. I realize this may make me look like an alcoholic, but, I miss the option to have a beer with dinner. Or a beer after a long day. Or a beer with some friends. Judge all you want, at least there is not a cancer causing nicotine stick in the picture.
6. Shoes. With laces. I have never been much a flip flop fan, unless I had on capris. This entire summer, I have worn flip flops with anything I am wearing. Jeans, capris, comfy pants. Pedicures are a necessity I wish I could afford weekly.
7. My wedding rings. Not only do I miss the only jewelry I wear, but I get judgmental looks from the little old lady in Dairy Queen. Really Lady? Have you never had children before?
8. My watch. I have always been obsessed with watches and have worn one everyday since I was at least eight years old. My little, water retaining wrists make it impossible to wear a watch with out obscene swelling around said watch. Not pretty.
9. More shoes. With heels. This one would probably go along with # 1 and # 5, mixed in with some Girls’ Nights with some of my favorites.
This post’s Favorite Things include the items I am looking forward to once the babies arrive. Yes, yes. I am aware of the whole cooing, loving and cuddling we will get to have with the babies, but I am talking about things that this mom has been missing.

1. Jeans. With zippers. When I put on my first pair of maternity jeans way back in February, I remember saying, “Why would anyone want to wear regular jeans again?” Comfy time is over, panels make an annoying sound, make me sweaty and I am ready to step back into the world of the normal.
2. My favorite t-shirt. I am far too rotund to wear any of my t-shirts and have been living in E’s for months now. Love the whole idea of “being closer to the man I love” and all, but I feel like a house. A good 2,500 square footer at that.
3. My new Browns jersey. I bought it at the end of last year’s season and my goal is fit into it by the end of this season. One can dream, right? Hopefully, Cribbs doesn’t leave us in the meantime.
4. Photography. I am itching to get back out there and get my little business on the move again.
5. Beer. I realize this may make me look like an alcoholic, but, I miss the option to have a beer with dinner. Or a beer after a long day. Or a beer with some friends. Judge all you want, at least there is not a cancer causing nicotine stick in the picture.
6. Shoes. With laces. I have never been much a flip flop fan, unless I had on capris. This entire summer, I have worn flip flops with anything I am wearing. Jeans, capris, comfy pants. Pedicures are a necessity I wish I could afford weekly.
7. My wedding rings. Not only do I miss the only jewelry I wear, but I get judgmental looks from the little old lady in Dairy Queen. Really Lady? Have you never had children before?
8. My watch. I have always been obsessed with watches and have worn one everyday since I was at least eight years old. My little, water retaining wrists make it impossible to wear a watch with out obscene swelling around said watch. Not pretty.
9. More shoes. With heels. This one would probably go along with # 1 and # 5, mixed in with some Girls’ Nights with some of my favorites.
Favorite Things,
Girls Night,
maternity clothes,
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
A Picture Post
August 11, 2006. In the middle of the ocean in Maine while whale watching and eating lobster rolls. I was quite excited to cheer, "One year until we're married!"

August 11, 2007. 700 days from engagement to wedding day; we had made it. Hands down THE best day of my life.

August 11, 2008. Celebrating our one year anniversary cupcake style!

August 11, 2009. ::Insert a nice family photo of me, E and the babies.:: Probably not going to happen, but I believe it is time for some outside partying... Dontchathink?
Happy 2nd Anniversary to E. It just keeps getting better. Also, Happy Anniversary to my life-long date twins (hahaha..twins. Another sign?) Tiff and Laura!
Monday, August 10, 2009
Day One of Captivity
I suppose today officially starts my stint as a SAHM. Well, until my time is up according to my short-term disability guidelines anyway. As of Friday, Dr. R has pulled me out of work to rest as much as possible. I must admit, it was rather strange to wake up this morning and not grunt the obligatory, “Ugh. Monday.”
In other exciting Dr. R news, he sent me for a non-stress test on Saturday to check on my kids as 36 weeks is a long time for twins to go. I will admit, there was a little bit of me that kind of hoped the doctors would decide to take them that day. (Flame away, Haters. I dare you.) To no avail, my kids were quite content with their inside home and pretty much informed the world that they would be staying inside forever. However, we did get a run through of getting to Labor & Delivery at our hospital, so….score. This is where I tell you I am so glad they have decided to remain inside babies for the time being. Really.
Also, in Friday’s appointment, I was referred to a sleep specialist as apparently, I stop breathing in my sleep. To tell you the truth, I am really not concerned with it at this point. Sleep apnea is fairly common in pregnancy and should go away after the 12 pounds or so of babies are lifted off my organs. All I can do is hope it goes away after the babies arrive. Along with the carpal tunnel too. Oh and the itchy skin. This, by the way, has definitely put the nail in the coffin about not having any more kids. Nothing worse than scratching your skin so badly until it is raw and bleeding. Really.
Folks, this is why I opted not to blog about pregnancy. Tis not pretty. I am also fairly certain that those women that “love being pregnant” and have no discomfort at all, sniff glue.
I will leave you today with E’s decorating skills for Ethan’s crib. Will tomorrow be a Two for Tuesday Birthday/Anniversary?!?!?

In other exciting Dr. R news, he sent me for a non-stress test on Saturday to check on my kids as 36 weeks is a long time for twins to go. I will admit, there was a little bit of me that kind of hoped the doctors would decide to take them that day. (Flame away, Haters. I dare you.) To no avail, my kids were quite content with their inside home and pretty much informed the world that they would be staying inside forever. However, we did get a run through of getting to Labor & Delivery at our hospital, so….score. This is where I tell you I am so glad they have decided to remain inside babies for the time being. Really.
Also, in Friday’s appointment, I was referred to a sleep specialist as apparently, I stop breathing in my sleep. To tell you the truth, I am really not concerned with it at this point. Sleep apnea is fairly common in pregnancy and should go away after the 12 pounds or so of babies are lifted off my organs. All I can do is hope it goes away after the babies arrive. Along with the carpal tunnel too. Oh and the itchy skin. This, by the way, has definitely put the nail in the coffin about not having any more kids. Nothing worse than scratching your skin so badly until it is raw and bleeding. Really.
Folks, this is why I opted not to blog about pregnancy. Tis not pretty. I am also fairly certain that those women that “love being pregnant” and have no discomfort at all, sniff glue.
I will leave you today with E’s decorating skills for Ethan’s crib. Will tomorrow be a Two for Tuesday Birthday/Anniversary?!?!?

Tuesday, August 4, 2009
You know those parents that say, “I will never do _______________ with my kid.”? Well, I am not an official outside parent yet and I already caught myself eating those words.
Back in the day, when I assumed I had a singleton baby growing in me, I always had a feeling it was a girl. Call it mother’s intuition or whatever, but since the day the test turned positive, I was sure we were going to have a daughter.
There was one problem; I am adamantly against the color pink. Personally, I don’t have anything against pink; in fact, I find it to be a fun color. I am just not a pink person. I have tried it, not for me. When I thought about the possibility of having a daughter, all I could think of is the over-indulged, Pep to-influenced pink stuff I would get. It was a slight progression in knowing that my possible daughter would be wearing pink, because let’s face it; a majority of the clothes made for infant girls only come in pink. However, I did announce that she would not, under any circumstance, have a pink room.
Then, we found out we were having boy/girl twins. Total game changer. Now, I find myself migrating to the pink because I don’t want people to think I have two boys. Since the babies are sharing a room for now, there are some hints of pink, but still no overly cute, pretty princess, pink stuff.
Colleen – 0: Society - 1
Back in the day, when I assumed I had a singleton baby growing in me, I always had a feeling it was a girl. Call it mother’s intuition or whatever, but since the day the test turned positive, I was sure we were going to have a daughter.
There was one problem; I am adamantly against the color pink. Personally, I don’t have anything against pink; in fact, I find it to be a fun color. I am just not a pink person. I have tried it, not for me. When I thought about the possibility of having a daughter, all I could think of is the over-indulged, Pep to-influenced pink stuff I would get. It was a slight progression in knowing that my possible daughter would be wearing pink, because let’s face it; a majority of the clothes made for infant girls only come in pink. However, I did announce that she would not, under any circumstance, have a pink room.
Then, we found out we were having boy/girl twins. Total game changer. Now, I find myself migrating to the pink because I don’t want people to think I have two boys. Since the babies are sharing a room for now, there are some hints of pink, but still no overly cute, pretty princess, pink stuff.
Colleen – 0: Society - 1
Friday, July 31, 2009
I have a thing for dates. I really do. I remember everything, freaky dates that no one in their right mind should ever remember. I associate certain dates with people and believe that there is a meaning behind everything. Here is an example:
My older brother and I were both born on the 15th, one month part. If you multiply the 15 by 2, you will get 30, which is my dad’s birthday. My BFF was also born on the 15th, five months after I was born. That is one example of how I spend my time. Really. One would think that I would be a mathematical scholar, not so much.
Since we discovered I was carrying twins, it has always been a possibility that they will be born in August, since the average twins arrive between 35-37 weeks. For those that are new, E and I were married on August 11, 2007. When you look at a calendar, you will see that August 11, 2009 falls on my 36th week, day 2. If our twins were to be born on this particular day, the following will have happened:
• 2 children born
• On our 2nd wedding anniversary
• Where the digits are 1 + 1
Think it will happen?

My older brother and I were both born on the 15th, one month part. If you multiply the 15 by 2, you will get 30, which is my dad’s birthday. My BFF was also born on the 15th, five months after I was born. That is one example of how I spend my time. Really. One would think that I would be a mathematical scholar, not so much.
Since we discovered I was carrying twins, it has always been a possibility that they will be born in August, since the average twins arrive between 35-37 weeks. For those that are new, E and I were married on August 11, 2007. When you look at a calendar, you will see that August 11, 2009 falls on my 36th week, day 2. If our twins were to be born on this particular day, the following will have happened:
• 2 children born
• On our 2nd wedding anniversary
• Where the digits are 1 + 1
Think it will happen?

Wednesday, July 29, 2009
I know, I know...
I announce my comeback and then go dormant for a week. Well, little Bloggy Friends, I am trying to wrap up some projects at work. Plus, I intended for this blog to be used for after-delivery purposes, as you do not want me to blog about my pregnancy. It won’t be pretty, especially when I get flamed.
So, I will be around here and there. Things to look forward to in upcoming posts:
• Leslie’s Bridal Shower
• The Big Name Debate (how we decided what to name our children)
• Some of the best advice I have received while pregnant
• Guest Bloggers such as E and Tiff of The Baby Luc fame
• Do you think I will deliver twins on our second wedding anniversary??
• My aversion to pink.
• Which camera do we take to the hospital? The real concern of two photographers about to become parents.
Sit tight friends.
Oh and P.S…. Could you all give me some good vibes to keep my kids in utero until at least 4:05 PM on Saturday so I can attend Leslie’s aforementioned bridal shower? Kthxbye.
So, I will be around here and there. Things to look forward to in upcoming posts:
• Leslie’s Bridal Shower
• The Big Name Debate (how we decided what to name our children)
• Some of the best advice I have received while pregnant
• Guest Bloggers such as E and Tiff of The Baby Luc fame
• Do you think I will deliver twins on our second wedding anniversary??
• My aversion to pink.
• Which camera do we take to the hospital? The real concern of two photographers about to become parents.
Sit tight friends.
Oh and P.S…. Could you all give me some good vibes to keep my kids in utero until at least 4:05 PM on Saturday so I can attend Leslie’s aforementioned bridal shower? Kthxbye.
The Baby Luc,
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Last time we “spoke”, I was the Non-Smoker, who was actually losing the battle with smoking.
I digress.
Enjoy the following timeline… I may speak in fragments… You’ll get over it.
December 26, 2008 – 3 weeks 5 days- While E and I were “Day after Christmas Shopping”; I realized that with all the hoopla of Christmas, I hadn’t noticed that I did not get my period. We decide to test and make the stop at Target. Nothing like checking out with a new iPod, triple pack of pregnancy tests and a case of Diet Coke. I tested at home and waited for E to check the results. He checked the test and the look on his face could have gone either way. Ultimately, E turned it around and I saw those two lines and gasped. I remember thinking how funny it was that Jaws 2 was playing in the background. Being the internet goober that I tend to be (because you know, the internet is ALWAYS right) and figured out at that my EDD (estimated due date) would be September 6, 2009. E doubted the prediction… Just putting that out there.
December 29, 2008- 4 weeks 1 day- Took another pregnancy test because I could not believe it. Yup- still pregnant.
The next month is what I call “The Sleep Coma” because that is all I did.
January 27, 2009- 8 weeks 2 days- First OB appointment with Dr. R. After a quick inspection of my undercarriage, he verified that I was, indeed, with child. EDD is September 6, 2009. (So the internet didn’t lie!) We were expecting the obligatory ultrasound, but the nurse talked us out of it because our insurance probably wouldn’t cover it. Besides, Dr R. would have said something if he expected twins. Well, we’re just full of surprises and general overachievers. More on that later.
The next month could only be described as Hazing for some cruel initiation. Morning sickness, afternoon sickness, food aversions, constipation, crying. I won’t even apologize for the TMI. It sucked.
February 24, 2009- 12 weeks 2 days- Heard the heart beat for the first time. Good, strong 160 bpm. I asked Dr. R., “just one heartbeat?” He replied with, “Yes, just one heart beat. I think it’s a girl.” Blood test indicated that I was slightly anemic and needed to start iron supplements on top of the prenatal vitamins. Blood pressure was a bit high, so the doctor sent me to a nephrologist who put me on a 24-hour blood pressure monitoring system. Turns out, I just get nervous around doctors, otherwise known as “White Coat Syndrome”.
The next month could be called, “I am OK. Where is the Panera Broccoli Cheddar soup?” because that is all I ate.
March 15, 2009- 15 weeks- I turned 30.
March 24, 2009- 16 weeks 2 days- Third OB appointment, where we heard the single heartbeat again, still at 160 bpm. I was offered the Quad Screening Test since I was (gasp) over 30 and this was my first pregnancy. Since we hadn’t had any ultrasounds up until then and E and I are huge worriers- we decided to go ahead and have it done anyway. We went in fully aware that there was high false positive rate.
March 26, 2009- 16 weeks 4 days- Results from Quad Screen was in and I had an abnormal result and a 1 in 216 chance that the baby had Down Syndrome. Had emergency ultrasound scheduled for the next morning. This was probably the worst day of my life that included 18 hours of not knowing what was wrong with our child. Spent some time at our friends’ house and tried to stay off the internet, especially WebMD. I managed to get a few hours of sleep after reading that only 1 in 50 women with abnormal Quad results actually have something wrong with the baby.
March 27, 2009- 16 weeks 5 days- Entered ultrasound room with E barely able to breathe. The technician started her spiel, lubed up my tummers and put the Doppler/Probe jobber over my uterus. The next few minutes will forever live on in my head.
Technician: Looks at her screen. “Oop, that’s why it’s abnormal.”
Me: Looks at the screen and sees 2 round objects. Places hand over mouth and says, “Oh my God, there are two!”
Technician: “Yup. Twins. Congratulations.” (she had the personality of a wet dish rag.)
E: “Are you serious?”
Technician: “Yup”
E: “I have to sit down.”
Me: “Are they ok?”
Technician: “Looks like it, I will be right back.”
Yada, yada. Babies looked like they were in good shape. Still pretty early to know the genders for sure, but Twin A looked like a girl and they were fairly positive that Twin B was a boy. They will be more certain at anatomy ultrasound at 19 weeks. The babies are fraternal despite the genders as they had two separate sacs and placentas. Within 15 minutes, we thought we were about to prepare for a special needs baby to finding out we were actually expecting two healthy babies. Went from the worst day ever to the best. For the first time in my life, I actually felt blessed. Dr. Awesome (specialty doctor) came in and gave us a run down of what to do while expecting twins. Stopped in to harass/see Dr. R and was told to expect early bed rest (around 26 weeks) and a caesarean section.
The next month is what I like to call “The Shock and Awe” month. Obviously.
April 7, 2009- 18 weeks 2 days- I now see my OB every 2 weeks, as I am now considered a high risk pregnancy. Also, since I was now carrying twins and my father is a diabetic, I was at a higher risk for gestational diabetes (GD). Dr. R sent me for the 1 hour glucose test.
April 17, 2009- 19 weeks 5 days- Felt them move for the first time on our way to the hospital. The song playing was Thriller by Michael Jackson. Second ultrasound. Definitely a boy. Definitely a girl. Everything looked “perfect” according to Dr. Awesome. We were finally able to refer to them as Ethan and Olivia.
April 22, 2009- 20 weeks 3 days- OB Appointment. Failed 1 Hour Glucose test, badly. Need to take 3 Hour Glucose Test.
April 28, 2009- 20 weeks 5 days- Took 3 Hour Glucose Test. Then ate like a chubby king over the weekend, as I thought the days of eating whatever I wanted were over.
April 28, 2009- 21 weeks 2 days- Glucose fail according to Dr. R. Made appointment to see another specialist.
April 30, 2009- 21 weeks 4 days- Met with GD specialist, Dr. LackofPersonality. After they lost my final number, was told I did not have GD and be on my merry way. However, I would need to test again when I was closer to my third trimester. I’ll take that.
May 5, 2009- 22 weeks 2 days- OB appointment # 731… Doing OK.
May 9, 2009- 22 weeks 6 days- Shot my first wedding as a photographer. Finally understood the whole swollen feet thing. Not something I recommend doing when five and a half months pregnant with twins.
Somewhere in between here, I felt them move from the outside. Only slightly disturbing. Also, pregnancy induced carpal tunnel showed up. Not great for a person that spends a majority of her day on the computer and spends the weekend with a camera pointed at people.
May 15, 2009- 23 weeks 5 days- Ultrasound # 3. Olivia was breech, Ethan was head down.
May 19, 2009- 24 weeks 2 days- OB appoint #1005. Waited for 2 hours for a 5 minute appointment. Yup. Still in there.
May 28, 2009- 25 weeks 4 days- 3 Hour Glucose Test # 2.
June 2, 2009- 26 weeks 2 days- OB appointment # 7529. Glucose PASS. Suck it GD believers. No bed rest needed. Found out what “internal check” meant.
June 12, 2009- 27 Weeks 5 days- Ultrasound # 4. Olivia still breech, Ethan, still ready to go. Dr. Awesome was slightly concerned that Ethan was a bit larger than Olivia. We’ll check up on them in 3 weeks.
June 16, 2009- 28 weeks 2 days- OB appointment # 80,107. RhoGam shot injected. No bed rest needed.
Somewhere in between here, E took away my driving privileges as I no longer could reach the pedals. I am now Miss Daisy. E is my Hoke.
July 2, 2009- 30 weeks 4 days- Ultrasound # 5. Olivia caught up somewhat to her brother. She is now head down as well. Ethan goes all ninja with his legs over his head. Dr. Awesome on vacay, Dr. LackofPersonality barely came into the room to chat.
July 2, 2009- 30 weeks 4 Days- OB appointment # 90, 444. If my OB wasn’t such a huggable guy, I would have punched him by now. He insists on letting them stay in there for as long as they want. He doesn’t like the idea of an eviction notice. ::Sigh:: Whatever is best for them I suppose…. No flames, you know I am only semi-serious. Speaking of flames, found out I am totally allowed to have a c-section if I want one. Sign me up. Still no bed rest, I am awesome.
July 17, 2009- 32 weeks, 5 days- OB appointment # zillionty. Reminded that my body thinks it is at 40 weeks because of the size of the babies. Dr. R’s game plan: “36 weeks is good, everything else is a bonus. If they are not here by 39 weeks, I will go in and get them.” Goody. The thought of a possible 6 more weeks of feeling like this reminds me of stupid rainbows and puppy dogs. No bed rest because Dr. R can sometimes be Satan.
July 22, 2009- 33 weeks 3 days- Ultrasound # 6. My kids weigh a collective 9 pounds 2 ounces with putting on a grand total of 2 lbs 5 ounces in the last three weeks. Apparently, E and I make some totally kick ass kids. Dr. Awesome predicts they will be here within the next 2 weeks. I like him. Best thing yet, Olivia has a confirmed full head of hair, which pleases her dad.
July 22, 2009- 33 weeks 3 days- Started new blog…. Crazy to think we will have our own Insta-Entourage in a few weeks. Wonder if Jeremy Piven will be included.
I digress.
Enjoy the following timeline… I may speak in fragments… You’ll get over it.
December 26, 2008 – 3 weeks 5 days- While E and I were “Day after Christmas Shopping”; I realized that with all the hoopla of Christmas, I hadn’t noticed that I did not get my period. We decide to test and make the stop at Target. Nothing like checking out with a new iPod, triple pack of pregnancy tests and a case of Diet Coke. I tested at home and waited for E to check the results. He checked the test and the look on his face could have gone either way. Ultimately, E turned it around and I saw those two lines and gasped. I remember thinking how funny it was that Jaws 2 was playing in the background. Being the internet goober that I tend to be (because you know, the internet is ALWAYS right) and figured out at that my EDD (estimated due date) would be September 6, 2009. E doubted the prediction… Just putting that out there.
December 29, 2008- 4 weeks 1 day- Took another pregnancy test because I could not believe it. Yup- still pregnant.
The next month is what I call “The Sleep Coma” because that is all I did.
January 27, 2009- 8 weeks 2 days- First OB appointment with Dr. R. After a quick inspection of my undercarriage, he verified that I was, indeed, with child. EDD is September 6, 2009. (So the internet didn’t lie!) We were expecting the obligatory ultrasound, but the nurse talked us out of it because our insurance probably wouldn’t cover it. Besides, Dr R. would have said something if he expected twins. Well, we’re just full of surprises and general overachievers. More on that later.
The next month could only be described as Hazing for some cruel initiation. Morning sickness, afternoon sickness, food aversions, constipation, crying. I won’t even apologize for the TMI. It sucked.
February 24, 2009- 12 weeks 2 days- Heard the heart beat for the first time. Good, strong 160 bpm. I asked Dr. R., “just one heartbeat?” He replied with, “Yes, just one heart beat. I think it’s a girl.” Blood test indicated that I was slightly anemic and needed to start iron supplements on top of the prenatal vitamins. Blood pressure was a bit high, so the doctor sent me to a nephrologist who put me on a 24-hour blood pressure monitoring system. Turns out, I just get nervous around doctors, otherwise known as “White Coat Syndrome”.
The next month could be called, “I am OK. Where is the Panera Broccoli Cheddar soup?” because that is all I ate.
March 15, 2009- 15 weeks- I turned 30.
March 24, 2009- 16 weeks 2 days- Third OB appointment, where we heard the single heartbeat again, still at 160 bpm. I was offered the Quad Screening Test since I was (gasp) over 30 and this was my first pregnancy. Since we hadn’t had any ultrasounds up until then and E and I are huge worriers- we decided to go ahead and have it done anyway. We went in fully aware that there was high false positive rate.
March 26, 2009- 16 weeks 4 days- Results from Quad Screen was in and I had an abnormal result and a 1 in 216 chance that the baby had Down Syndrome. Had emergency ultrasound scheduled for the next morning. This was probably the worst day of my life that included 18 hours of not knowing what was wrong with our child. Spent some time at our friends’ house and tried to stay off the internet, especially WebMD. I managed to get a few hours of sleep after reading that only 1 in 50 women with abnormal Quad results actually have something wrong with the baby.
March 27, 2009- 16 weeks 5 days- Entered ultrasound room with E barely able to breathe. The technician started her spiel, lubed up my tummers and put the Doppler/Probe jobber over my uterus. The next few minutes will forever live on in my head.
Technician: Looks at her screen. “Oop, that’s why it’s abnormal.”
Me: Looks at the screen and sees 2 round objects. Places hand over mouth and says, “Oh my God, there are two!”
Technician: “Yup. Twins. Congratulations.” (she had the personality of a wet dish rag.)
E: “Are you serious?”
Technician: “Yup”
E: “I have to sit down.”
Me: “Are they ok?”
Technician: “Looks like it, I will be right back.”
Yada, yada. Babies looked like they were in good shape. Still pretty early to know the genders for sure, but Twin A looked like a girl and they were fairly positive that Twin B was a boy. They will be more certain at anatomy ultrasound at 19 weeks. The babies are fraternal despite the genders as they had two separate sacs and placentas. Within 15 minutes, we thought we were about to prepare for a special needs baby to finding out we were actually expecting two healthy babies. Went from the worst day ever to the best. For the first time in my life, I actually felt blessed. Dr. Awesome (specialty doctor) came in and gave us a run down of what to do while expecting twins. Stopped in to harass/see Dr. R and was told to expect early bed rest (around 26 weeks) and a caesarean section.
The next month is what I like to call “The Shock and Awe” month. Obviously.
April 7, 2009- 18 weeks 2 days- I now see my OB every 2 weeks, as I am now considered a high risk pregnancy. Also, since I was now carrying twins and my father is a diabetic, I was at a higher risk for gestational diabetes (GD). Dr. R sent me for the 1 hour glucose test.
April 17, 2009- 19 weeks 5 days- Felt them move for the first time on our way to the hospital. The song playing was Thriller by Michael Jackson. Second ultrasound. Definitely a boy. Definitely a girl. Everything looked “perfect” according to Dr. Awesome. We were finally able to refer to them as Ethan and Olivia.
April 22, 2009- 20 weeks 3 days- OB Appointment. Failed 1 Hour Glucose test, badly. Need to take 3 Hour Glucose Test.
April 28, 2009- 20 weeks 5 days- Took 3 Hour Glucose Test. Then ate like a chubby king over the weekend, as I thought the days of eating whatever I wanted were over.
April 28, 2009- 21 weeks 2 days- Glucose fail according to Dr. R. Made appointment to see another specialist.
April 30, 2009- 21 weeks 4 days- Met with GD specialist, Dr. LackofPersonality. After they lost my final number, was told I did not have GD and be on my merry way. However, I would need to test again when I was closer to my third trimester. I’ll take that.
May 5, 2009- 22 weeks 2 days- OB appointment # 731… Doing OK.
May 9, 2009- 22 weeks 6 days- Shot my first wedding as a photographer. Finally understood the whole swollen feet thing. Not something I recommend doing when five and a half months pregnant with twins.
Somewhere in between here, I felt them move from the outside. Only slightly disturbing. Also, pregnancy induced carpal tunnel showed up. Not great for a person that spends a majority of her day on the computer and spends the weekend with a camera pointed at people.
May 15, 2009- 23 weeks 5 days- Ultrasound # 3. Olivia was breech, Ethan was head down.
May 19, 2009- 24 weeks 2 days- OB appoint #1005. Waited for 2 hours for a 5 minute appointment. Yup. Still in there.
May 28, 2009- 25 weeks 4 days- 3 Hour Glucose Test # 2.
June 2, 2009- 26 weeks 2 days- OB appointment # 7529. Glucose PASS. Suck it GD believers. No bed rest needed. Found out what “internal check” meant.
June 12, 2009- 27 Weeks 5 days- Ultrasound # 4. Olivia still breech, Ethan, still ready to go. Dr. Awesome was slightly concerned that Ethan was a bit larger than Olivia. We’ll check up on them in 3 weeks.
June 16, 2009- 28 weeks 2 days- OB appointment # 80,107. RhoGam shot injected. No bed rest needed.
Somewhere in between here, E took away my driving privileges as I no longer could reach the pedals. I am now Miss Daisy. E is my Hoke.
July 2, 2009- 30 weeks 4 days- Ultrasound # 5. Olivia caught up somewhat to her brother. She is now head down as well. Ethan goes all ninja with his legs over his head. Dr. Awesome on vacay, Dr. LackofPersonality barely came into the room to chat.
July 2, 2009- 30 weeks 4 Days- OB appointment # 90, 444. If my OB wasn’t such a huggable guy, I would have punched him by now. He insists on letting them stay in there for as long as they want. He doesn’t like the idea of an eviction notice. ::Sigh:: Whatever is best for them I suppose…. No flames, you know I am only semi-serious. Speaking of flames, found out I am totally allowed to have a c-section if I want one. Sign me up. Still no bed rest, I am awesome.
July 17, 2009- 32 weeks, 5 days- OB appointment # zillionty. Reminded that my body thinks it is at 40 weeks because of the size of the babies. Dr. R’s game plan: “36 weeks is good, everything else is a bonus. If they are not here by 39 weeks, I will go in and get them.” Goody. The thought of a possible 6 more weeks of feeling like this reminds me of stupid rainbows and puppy dogs. No bed rest because Dr. R can sometimes be Satan.
July 22, 2009- 33 weeks 3 days- Ultrasound # 6. My kids weigh a collective 9 pounds 2 ounces with putting on a grand total of 2 lbs 5 ounces in the last three weeks. Apparently, E and I make some totally kick ass kids. Dr. Awesome predicts they will be here within the next 2 weeks. I like him. Best thing yet, Olivia has a confirmed full head of hair, which pleases her dad.
July 22, 2009- 33 weeks 3 days- Started new blog…. Crazy to think we will have our own Insta-Entourage in a few weeks. Wonder if Jeremy Piven will be included.
Dr. Awesome,
Dr. LackofPersonality,
Dr. R,
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
That's right bloggy world! After a brief hiatus, I am back, knocked up with twins and ready to pop! Stay tuned!
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